Re-Spray Rectification



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    From logbook number 6, page 99, transcribed as best as I can:

    Rectification carried out after re-spray as listed below:-

    1/ Tailplane, Elevators, Fin  & rudder removed, cleaned, refitted.

    2/ Elevator, Aileron, Flap, Rudder, Elevator Trim cables removed, cleaned and refitted. Cables Part s 0400107-2', NAS303-36-0682 replaced. s Batch  BA1/307, & THYL 10305 Missing pulley guards fitted (4) Batch 71212. Elevator trim jack removed, cleaned & refitted.

    3/ All wing panels removed, wing struts disconnected, flying surfaces cleaned, struts re-connected, wing internal structure cleaned & panels refitted. Fuel tank panels removed, areas cleaned out, panels refitted after anchor nut replacement.

    4/ All fuselage areas inspected & cleaned.

    5/ Engine compartment inspected, cleaned and Oil change carried out.

    6/ Duplicate Inspection carried out. Air test carried out.

    Details of work carried out held under File Ref: mis98-24

    Signed and stamped by JAR 146 00488 26-06-88

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Last updated: 07 October 2005 09:06