Cessna 150E G-ASYP History Logbook 3



G-ASYP on the ground at Henlow

Following a flying accident at Leeds/Bradford Airport on 28/02/1973, the nose wheel was torn off and the aircraft sustained damage to the fuselage front end. The engine was shock-loaded and had to be replaced, together with the propeller. The new engine had already run for 553 hours. Unfortunately, the new engine did not last long and following report of rough running at high RPM was removed after only a further 20 hours.

The C of A was renewed on the 23rd of May 1973 during which an awful lot of minor bits and pieces were replaced.

Something damaged the starboard wing leading edge and it had to be replaced between stations 174 and 192 on the 14th of October 1973.

The logbook was closed at 7126 hours and one minute.

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Last updated: 07 October 2005 09:06